These carnivorous plants are another variant of the Snap Trap in my upcoming game "Enter The Flesh Again". They usually feed on small creatures like moths and other insects, but they will bite at anything that comes close enough. They detect movement via thigmonasty; the nastic response of a plant or fungus to touch or vibration. Their bites are quick, hard and can be damaging to any creature.
Is that an axolotl? If so, I want one!
Just got around to playing Theropods by the way, that was a fun one! I scored it on GJ too.
Yes it's a baby Axolotl :)
In real life they retain their larval form into adulthood, but for Enter The Flesh Again I made them more like normal Salamanders where they grow legs and start walking once they grow up. Not sure if you'll be able to get one in real life, but at least in this game you'll be able to play as one :P
Oh, and thanks a lot for scoring Theropods on GJ as well! Glad you enjoyed it :)